Carotid and Vertebral Duplex
Carotid and Vertebral Duplex
Carotid duplex ultrasound scanning is the principal investigation for the detection of plaque which may be causing narrowing in the arteries that supply blood to the brain, and which may cause strokes or mini-strokes. Additionally carotid duplex are frequently performed for follow-up after surgery or stenting of the carotid arteries.
No specific preparation is required for a carotid duplex ultrasound scan.
The patient is recumbent. The study is non-invasive and painless and does not involve the injection of any dye. Gel is applied to the skin and the ultrasound probe is moved over the skin of the limb or abdomen. The study takes approximately 20-30 minutes. Resting Pressure Studies are often performed at the same time.
The carotid duplex ultrasound scan, depending on the difficulty of the study takes between 10-20 minutes approximately.
Narrowings (or stenoses) are graded as < 50%, 50-69%, 70-79%, 80-99% 90-99% or completely occluded.